Monday, 24 March 2014

Young professional for presentation - Katie

What is a young professional?

“The term young professional generally refers to a young person not in school who is employed in a profession or white-collar occupation. The meaning may be ambiguous and has evolved from its original narrow meaning of a young person in a professional field. Although derivative of the term 'yuppie', it has grown into its own set of meanings.” - Wikipedia

“A recent college graduate whose main objectives in life include: career advancement, becoming financially secure, spending too much of their yearly income on expensive clothing and maintaining a busy social life.” – Urban dictionary

“Young professionals are individuals working in careers that are considered white collar in nature and who are within a specified age bracket. There is actually a great deal of fluidity when it comes to identifying the specific characteristics of what constitutes young professionals, with some schools of thought considering anyone who wears business type clothing to work and is under a certain age to fit into this category. Other concepts tend to narrow the scope a bit, limiting the use of the term to individuals who are involved in specific types of careers.” – Wise GEEK

Locations include:

-          London
-          Manchester
-          Birmingham
-          Nottingham
-          Liverpool
-          Newcastle
-          Leeds
-          Edinburgh

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