Me and Justina did a project last year which required us to create a T-shirt brand to be pitched to Xamax - a T-shirt printed company in Wakefield.
The winner would have their T-shirts made and sold through ASOS. my group 'identitee' came joint first with another company so I thought, as this is a similar project, we could use the outline presentation to help us do ours as it was so successful previously... Ill show you it next time we meet :)
The basic outline of the presentation went like this...
- First page - INTRODUCTION TO US....This was literally a picture of our team and names where we just introduced ourselves...we didn't need to explain job roles or anything...its kind of irrelevant as we can just get on with our roles...and speak the bits that we did.
- Our TARGET MARKET - who? where? why? brief outline
- MACRO environmental factors - the macro factors effecting our target consumer environment
- =TRENDS ( - we found 2 consumer life stlye trends here, this isn't design trends
- Our CUSTOMER - what our customer wants? why? who are they?? Mintel report on our consumer behaviour
- COMPETITORS - Primary...secondary...and third competitors.
- MAIN primary competitors. Who are they..? we had pictures of them here. Its important just to be aware of our competition. and we said why they are...we also involved celebrity influence as our tshirt brands competitors were worn by many celebrities it was important to mention factors influencing those brands. For us it could be large companies using out competitors products...
- PRICE comparison - competitor VS what we predict to sell for... we will need more depth later on, as for this project finance wasn't a big issue...
- PERCEPTUAL MAP of where we will stand in the market...
- Id say stick trends of design here...all about design etc...BUT NOT THE PRODUCT. just design you would in a portfolio.
- INTRODUCTION OF THE BRAND...this bit is not mentioned until now! You cant introduce a brand without saying how you got to it first. its all about the impact! the wow factor as they called it....
- wordal
- pictures of brand designs
- S.W.O.T. analysis of our brand...
- Proof that it works....questionnaire? research?
- Website?
- Sales channels?
References :)
Hope this has helped as I wasnt here today. But i presume this is what they are after.
Katie xxx
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